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Empire Flippers Alternative: Sell Your Content Site With Motion Invest

Empire Flippers recently announced that they are increasing their minimum requirements for selling a business with them resulting in people seeking Empire Flippers alternatives. As of April 1st, 2022, they are only accepting businesses that are making $2,000+ per month in net profit (this is over a 12 month period). Below is a screenshot of the email that they sent out, which announces the changes:

What Does This Mean & What Does It Mean For Website Sellers?

Empire Flippers is moving up-market. They are focusing less on smaller sites and focusing more of their resources on selling bigger businesses. This comes after they announced that they did $36,201,494.90 in total revenue in Q3 of 2021. As you can see by the numbers, selling bigger businesses is clearly working for them and it looks like they want to focus more of their resources on that moving forward. 

These new requirements are a big change from what they used to accept. Their minimums used to be content sites making $500 per month and other types of businesses making $1,000 per month. 

It is definitely not an easy task to build your website up to one that is making thousands of dollars per month. Some niches just don’t have enough traffic to get there. There are also Google updates to worry about, not to mention competition. With these new changes in mind, there are going to be a lot of seller’s who will be unable to sell their website with Empire Flippers moving forward. 

Depending on the type of site that you are looking to sell, the answer for many will be Motion Invest. 

Here are some frequently asked questions about us, which will help you decide if Motion Invest might be a good fit for you to sell your site!

How Much Money Does My Site Need To Be Making To Sell With Motion Invest?

Motion Invest works with sellers at all different price points. We have worked with sellers who are making anywhere from $15 per month on average to sites making over $8,000+ per month on average. If your site is making some money, you can potentially work with us. 

Empire Flippers focuses on bigger sites, with a large majority of their listings priced at over $100,000 or more. With their new policy, that will likely go up even higher. At Motion Invest, listings start anywhere from $1,000 (total) and up. We also sell bigger sites (but more on that later). 

What Type Of Sites Does Motion Invest Accept?

At Motion Invest, we specialize in selling content websites of all different sizes. A content website focuses on providing information to their readers. Whether that be through informational articles, product reviews, blog posts etc. 

Empire Flippers sells content sites but they also focus on all different types of businesses. That includes E-Commerce, Saas, and more. We don’t focus on those types of businesses and have made content websites our speciality. If your website isn’t content based, it wouldn’t be a fit for us. 

We have a larger article that you can check out if you are wondering if your site would be accepted by us or not. You can read that here. Feel free to also fill out our evaluation tool as well and we will let you know. 

Does Motion Invest Sell Bigger Sites?

The answer is yes. If you have a bigger content website, we would definitely be interested in selling it for you! We are an Empire Flippers alternative for smaller sites but also for bigger ones as well. 

At Motion Invest, our biggest site sale has been $700,000. We have also sold plenty of sites over the $150,000 mark. Motion Invest started as a place that focused on selling smaller websites. We have since proven that we can get sites sold at all different price points. Our buying pool has also consistently proven that they are interested in buying sites over the $100,000 mark. 

If you have a site that is valued over six figures, here are the top 5 reasons to list with us instead of our competitors. 

  1. You Get our Full Attention: 
  2. A Special Listing Deal
  3. Receive a Premium Multiple for your Site
  4. An Exclusive to Your Site Marketing Campaign
  5. Motion Invest Sells More and Focuses on Content Sites
  6. Special Arrangements Possible – No seller calls, limited time spent selling etc

You can read more about why six figure sellers choose Motion Invest here.

Does Motion Invest Work With Sites That Aren’t Making Money?

The answer is no. We do not work with websites that aren’t making any money at all. We typically need sites to be making around $15 per month on average to work with. When I say “on average”, I mean that the income average for the site over a period of 5 months is $15 or more. 

For the way we value sites, we need some income data to work with, which is why we don’t sell starter sites or ones that are only making a few dollars per month. We need to display to buyers that the site is making some money and is worth their investment. $15 per month is what helps us get to that. 

If your site just started earning or is only making a couple of bucks per month, we would likely need to wait a few months for the income average to increase before we can move forward. 

How Do I Get Started?

If you have a website that you want to sell, you can submit it through our valuation tool on our website. You can also contact with a link to your site and the ways that you currently monetize it.

Submit an Offer

Please submit an offer below. Please note that offers usually take 48 hours to sort through.